Training sessions and courses designed to fit specific training needs. Core Competences: Geopolitical Analysis and Strategic Competitive Analysis for Businesses and Administration.
The course support for the Romanian European Institute on “The Geopolitics for the EU” can be found here
1) Antonia Colibasanu is a Member of the Academic Board for the international summer program International Leadership Academy since 2011 and a lecturer and trainer on Intellectual World Economy – bridging geopolitics and economics, through the framework of intelligence analysis. Students are taught to analyze, relating politics, history, geography and economics to one another, to contextualize and establish importance levels to events.
The Intellectual World Economy course is specifically designed for international audience and can be applied, in various formats, to help companies develop their international strategy goals.
The International Leadership Academy aims at developing a geopolitical culture for participants – undergraduate and graduate students from Universities in the Mediterranean, the Balkans, Western and Eastern Europe as well as the United States. Courses are focused around discussions relating to the complex nature of modern international economy, contemporary Governance associated with the existing legal foundation.
2) At the Romanian European Institute in Bucharest, Antonia Colibasanu has joined the training program European Business and Administration, conducting a training session on European Geopolitics – focusing on the basics of geopolitical analysis and their application for international business and administration.
The European Institute of Romania (EIR) is a public institution whose mission is to provide expertise in the field of European Affairs to the public administration, the business community, the social partners and the civil society.
3) Antonia Colibasanu is conducting the seminar training sessions for the course of Intelligence, Competitiveness and Security at the Research Master programs on Competitive Intelligence at the Mihai Viteazul National Intelligence Academy since 2014.
The training sessions focus on applying the theoretical concepts relating to strategic intelligence analysis to specific events. It aims at bridging knowledge on economics, social sciences and security in order to establish the foundational analysis for sectorial and systemic risk assessment. It also looks into training the participants for perceiving and understanding the fundamental pillars of an integrated intelligence system.
4) Antonia Colibasanu has also been an associated lecturer at the University of Bucharest – Academy of Economic Studies and, since 2008 she has worked with academic teams at these universities on courses and seminars on World Economy, International Organizations, Research Methodology and Conflict Management, both in English and Romanian. She regards education to be core to establishing a better security environment for the future and therefore she always tries to respond positively to all invitations and initiatives coming from the academic world.
Discussing about international economics and security topics, on the geopolitics of Europe at various international conferences and events.
Antonia Colibasanu has participated in discussions on geopolitics and foreign affairs at various international events such as:
Wroclaw Global Forum – Defense Business Leadership Dialogue
I’ve also spoke at various book launch events and debates on European affairs.