Turkish news on U.S. announcing the lifting of sanctions – “The sanctions will be lifted unless something happens that we’re not happy with.”
An interesting poll commented in the Moscow Times – Russians trust Putin less than they trust the Russian army.
Ukrainian internal politics: resistance to Ukraine’s Zelensky is continually building up.
Two articles in the U.S. media (so far) – one in Foreign Policy and another in Washington Post, both highlighting how the U.S. President might have been influenced in his views about Ukraine by Hungarian PM Viktor Orban and Russian President Vladimir Putin
Armenian news on Russia sending note of protest to Armenia over arms tender failure – some tenders are more (geo)political than others.
Details on the military drills in Serbia – Russia sent a division of S-400 missile defense systems.
Latest reports on Cooperation and Verification Mechanism for Romania and Bulgaria were released on Oct. 23 – Bulgaria doing better than Romania with the European Commission sending signals it is ready to lift CVM on Bulgaria.
EU approved new budget for assisting Rep. of Moldova on energy, rule of law and public finances reforms. Meanwhile, the socialists win the first round in Moldovan local elections.
Azerbaijan protests – and talk on protests in the media continues. And it seems no more Tatyanas will be born in Azerbaijan – that name is banned by the government.
Georgia hosts a Silk Road Forum these days, talking infrastructure and… geopolitical options.